Friday, May 2, 2008


I watched Iron man on its premiere... Hahahaha .. Jealous? You best be. The first to book on the mall cinema. Love the movie. Bring back old memories when i was a child and i will be faithfully in front of the tv every 4.30p.m Wednesday to catch Ironman: The animated series. Back then Brunei still dont have astro and the 'decorder' is still something that too advanced for the normal people like you and me. The Invincible Ironman can defeat anybody ( i mean ANYBODY) with it iron man technology. Just a few twitch and modification here and there, Ironman will be ready to face his nemesis..... I dont want to spoil the movie for everyone, but they follow the comic main storyline faithfully but upgrade the events to present day. So Ironman fans will be familiar with the storyline but still will find it entertaining and with Howard Terrence starring as James Rhodes, we know there going to be a sequel to Ironman and the appearance of War Machine. Hehehe..

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